Nutritional Balancing

Nutritional Balancing with a Mineral Strong plan

Nutritional Balancing is a custom designed program that balances your specific body chemistry. It begins with a Hair Mineral Analysis test; which produces a blueprint of your body chemistry. This test uncovers mineral and vitamin deficiencies and excesses, as well as, levels of heavy metals and environmental toxins.

A Mineral Strong plan is going to:

  • outline customized supplements, according to your needs
  • offer an individualized nutrient-rich eating plan, based on test results
  • guide you to specific detoxification methods, of heavy metals and other toxins
  • present suggestions for better sleep and stress reduction
  • support you through every step and every question along the way

A Mineral Strong plan will also consider the ratios of minerals in the body; this will give us a window into the functionality of your adrenal and thyroid glands, blood sugar levels, stress level, as well as, the measure of inflammation in the body; where disease often begins. Mineral Strong is a proactive approach to your health and wellbeing.

“It is the relationships between the minerals in your body that determine how much energy you will have.”
— Dr. Paul Eck (researcher and developer of Nutritional Balancing)

Our bodies reflect the food we eat. The foods we eat metabolize into energy; this energy is the information that forms our cells, tissues, and organs. Therefore, every day our bodies need essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to maintain our body’s delicate balance. Unfortunately, many of us are not nutritionally balanced, and one reason is our food supply in nutrient-deficient. As we become nutrient- deficient, the more toxins become attracted to our bodies; making it harder to not only absorb and utilize our nutrition but also in removing the toxins in the first place.

A Mineral Strong program is the first and most crucial step; because three months from now, you will be proud of yourself for investing in you; reaping the benefits of health and vitality. However, six months from now, you could be asking, “What would my life look like if I had taken that first step”? This plan is an investment, an investment in you, your life, your family, your well-being.

Balancing your body chemistry is like starting a new chapter in your life. The system is simple- balance the body’s minerals, eliminate harmful toxins and Health, Vitality, and Wellbeing return!

Benefits of a Mineral Strong health plan

Are you frequently tired? Do you consistently find yourself getting distracted or having severe brain fog? Do you not feel like yourself emotionally? You can get back to the person you used to be. You can regain your life. These symptoms are directly related to an imbalance of minerals in your body and a body burdened with toxins. A Mineral Strong program is a proactive approach that enables the body to heal itself before illness and disease occur. A customized health plan like, Mineral Strong is what you need to get back to feeling vibrantly healthy.

Increase Energy

Increased Energy

Improve Sleep

Improve Sleep


Heal Your Thyroid

Increased Metabolism and VITALITY

Increased Metabolism and VITALITY!

Mineral Strong through Nutritional Balancing

  • Reestablish your energy and vitality
  • Empower your immune system
  • Boost mental clarity
  • Proactive approach to your health and wellness
  • Comprehensive look at your Bio Chemistry
  • Finding the root cause of your symptoms
  • Ultimately reach your wellness goals
  • Match your food to your metabolic rate for the best results
  • An understanding of the supplements for your individual needs
  • Follow your results through repeat hair tests and retracing
  • Removal of toxic metals and chemicals thru tried and true detox methods

5 Pillars of Nutritional Balancing

  • Identify deficiencies and excesses
  • Balance your body’s mineral ratios
  • Supplements, specific to your test results and needs
  • Eliminate harmful toxins and detox – specific detoxing recommendations
  • Vitality and freedom from symptoms, symptoms that could manifest into disease later in life.

Stop Chasing Symptoms

Throughout the day, do you find yourself distracted? Are you constantly tired? Are your Emotions out for a roller-coaster ride? Has confusion, forgetfulness, lack of focus and mental clarity, hijacked your brain? Do you suffer from red itching rash, Eczema? These symptoms are related to an imbalance of minerals in your body; a body burdened with toxins; toxins that are impossible to avoid today.

A Mineral Strong program would get to the root of these symptoms, whereas, if you start your healing journey through traditional means, it may look this way:

Distracted, tired, emotions out of control, confusion = Prescription for Prozac, Cymbalta, or Lexapro

Forgetfulness, lack of focus, mental clarity = Prescription for Adderall, Concerta or Vyvanse

Eczema, red itching rash = Prescription for Prednisone and a steroid cream

Insomnia = Prescription for Ambien, or Lunesta

All medications come with side effects that may or may not affect you; but why start your healing journey this way? With Nutritional Balancing, your body chemistry will be balanced allowing your body to heal itself of these symptoms.

Start the next chapter in your life!

Nutritional Balancing Science and Hair Mineral Analysis do not diagnose, treat or cure any diseases, and Gina Willis is not a doctor. The advice on this site has not been evaluated by the FDA. The intention of this site is to take information gained and start the conversation with your medical doctor and never discontinue your medication without the advice of your medical doctor.